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Kata Bijak Yosefa

Janganlah kamu buat rumit dengan hidup ini. Keep enjoying dengan semua yang kamu kerjakan. Berkatalah yang baik. Hindari kata TIDAK , karena dapat mengganggu pikiran bawah sadarmu. Berkata Menyerah?? Buruk.. Berkata Semangat!!! Sangat Terpuji Menuju keluarga harmonis adalah dengan mengandalkan Tuhan dan menanamkan rasa saling percaya dan menghargai satu sama lain. Hal buruk: Selalu ingin menonjolkan diri dalam ketenaran. Hal Terpuji: Selalu bersikap rendah hati dalam paguyuban. Bersabarlah menunggu karena semua ada saatnya dan Tuhan sudah mengaturnya. Saat kau berbicara, sejajarkan dirimu dengan lawan bicaramu. Saat kau bertindak, sejajarkan dirimu dengan posisimu. Semakin pintar, semakin merunduk, semakin rendah hati, dan semakin mengutamakan sikap paguyuban kepada Tuhan dan sesama. Dengarkan semua yang diungkapkan temanmu tentang perasaannya, tetapi hilangkan memorimu tentang itu dan tutup mulutmu saat bersama orang lain. 

Beautiful Girl - Christian Bautista

Beautiful girl, wherever you are I knew when I saw you, you had opened the door I knew that I’d love again after a long, long while I’d love again. You said “hello” and I turned to go But something in your eyes left my heart beating so I just knew that I’d love again after a long, long while I’d love again. Refrain : It was destiny’s game For when love finally came on I rushed in line only to find That you were gone. Whenever you are, I fear that I might Have lost you forever like a song in the night Now that I’ve loved again after a long, long while I’ve loved again. *Repeat Refrain Beautiful girl, I’ll search on for you ‘Til all of your loveliness in my arms come true You’ve made me love again after a long, long while In love again And I’m glad that it’s you Hmm, beautiful girl

Jesus Said "Remember Me"

NOT TRUSTED Hello my name is Asha. I tell you my trouble. One day my home was full of people. My big family came to my home, because I had a big event of family. In order to make fluent our event, I asked to my friends to help us. And my friends did. When our event had over, my friends took their clothes in my room. You know, there were two pants (same kind). My brother's one and my friend's one. What happen?? That's true, my friend brought my brother's one. Next week.. My brother was looking for it. I got a call from my sister, "Hello, You know whose pants at home?? I never see this before. Maybe this is your friend's pants. Wait.. wait.. Brother also finds his pants. Did it be mixed?? Please, you call your friend. Okay??" Okay.. But I think "how could it happen??" I called my friend and that's true the pants was mixed. But it was very sucks because my brother was mad at me. I said that it happen unintentionally, you can...

Jesus Said "Study with Me"

FAILED JOB There is a girl that had graduated from her study. She applied job at one company. One day she got a call to get interview at the company. She has one of her weaknesses, that can not avoid it, she can not speak fluently, but you know, she is a super clever girl in academic but she doesn't have good communication. Because of her weakness, she failed applying for the job. She thinks so down and she feels that can not apply to other companies. If I am leader in company, I will find person that is clever and responsible in her job. I meant good communication is not really important thing to work. Jesus Said "Study with me"

Jesus Said "Come in to My Heart"

A BOY NO LOVE Someday there was a boy that lost his love. He was trying to cut of his life, but he failed. He didn't have parents anymore and he was so crowded. When he still had had parents, He had did everything that fulfill of love. He had been full of smile and laugh. He had cooked together with his Mom in the kitchen, then he had helped his Dad in garage to improved the car. No days no smile and laugh. They had been very happy family. Since He was be left, He felt down and could not think clearly. He could not focus when he tried to do his work, then someday he fired from his job. He slept under the bridge, because he didn't love to stay in his house. He always remembered his parents. So sadness. He walked to front that he looked. He tried to find food. Eating need money, but he didn't have money. He was no force to walk again, then he sat down at the corner of the building. Jesus Said "Come in to My Heart"

How to teach???

I want to change my profession. I want to be a teacher, especially Physics Teacher. But I don't know how to teach. Okay... Let's check what I found.... From my searching on internet, I found...... Here is conclusion of the opinion of Al Jupri, Mathematics Teacher, that I read. How to teach well? I answer it by placing me as student.  Teacher should know students because they have many types of studying way. They want to be able in what they learn. Most of them need more long times to learn than us that have experiences of the subject in advanced. Teacher should not call them that have the same ability of catching the subject as us (teacher).  It is meant that "Don't teach and explain too fast and too slow". We must be care to their abilities. In fact, most of teachers always feel that they teach the easy lesson, but "NOT" for the students. For example: Someday teacher gives one question like  -5+x=4 x=..... One of students (that be asked ...

Give Thank to God!! Don't Forget!!

When I searched some articles on, I attracted at one article. It is great article, it give me motivation to never give up when I have troubles. This article is about "Distracted the Worsth". When I read it, I felt like floating in the new world behind my mind (my shadow). I improve my troubles one by one, like windmill that always faces air and asks it to be running to the other ways, then it gives purposes for human. Certainly, I will be a new smiling girl.   You know, our life is like a curve. Sometimes we are in the straight line, no developing and no decreasing. Sometimes we have to pull more experiences in order to be uphill side. We will climb and walk to the peak. But, if we have been in peak, don't forget to God. God can put us in under side. Ephazise your position. Don't be in under side. You must keep yourself in comfy (cozy) zone. Avoid crowded and always keep echo of peace.

New Vocab II

My new vocab at course III and IV Fair: American have white skin and it was called fair. African-American: Someone that has black skin, was called African-American. Asian: I have boyfriend that has two cultures in his life, such as: China and Java. Then he can called Asian. Coccasian: He is coccasian because he is from American and Europe. Tribe: Papua has more tribes than Java. Revenge: I pay back to you, I want to thank to you becuase of your help at that time. Insult: They insult me, because I can't write well. Reliable: I need someone that is reliable and never say all about me to somebody else. Mad: You make me mad. Upset: His face looked scary, I think he would be upset. Piss .... up: He always makes to piss her up, it is a pity. Annoyed: I never think that you dare to make him annoyed. Annoying: You are so annoying, I am sorry, I don't like you. Embarrasing: I hope our presentation would not be embarrassing event.

New Vocab I

New Vocab at course I and II: Stuff: I have the special stuff: "MUGH" Boredom: My boredom is sleepy when I have to work. Rude: I don't like my lecturer that has rude saying to his students. Rope: I take some water from fund, using rope that paste at can. Lace: My hat has lace in order not to lose when I am using it.


Huh! So Confusing!! You know, I was gotten a secret duty at my office (it was just yesterday)but now I get news that "You shouldn't do that because the duty has been finished. Someone had finished the duty." Are you kidding me!!! In this morning, at 7 am until 9 am, I try to do it but I can't entrance to it. I try so many times. Huh... you know my feeling!! Well, I don't know, I feel like... they have played my feeling... shocking me! Okay, I'm Okay... Thank you very much for the duty!

Bad Event, Still in My Mind

I performed solo dance in my school when I was 9-year-old. I practice a lot for long time. I practice dance that my mom taught me. Tari Kipas, its name. I was really happy, I could dance on the stage. At that day, I dance so quite, audience keep silent.. and you know, the music is the traditional music, Gending Karawitan. So... Quiet... But Oh no!! Danger come to me! My teacher bored to my dance, and he send me 2 clowns. They make me no comfortable to dance. And they destroy my dance! One of them threw candy cover, and you know what!!! The cover is sticky in my foot. Oh.. I'm shock. The audience was laughing to me. I could not accept it. My mom that seeing me through the window outside hall, look so angry and disappointed. Finish I dance, I run to room behind the stage, and I was crying so loud!! My mom accompany me and give me advise in order not to cry again. My mom went to the teacher, and she was angry to him, but... Oh my God! He was innocent to my mom. Because o...

Happy Day or Sad Day??

Hey Hey!! What's going on?? Here I am sitting on chair and I am typing some thing to write. I always be here alone. Only me! What a bored activity. Oh, when I get something special to improve my future?? Okay, I still say "just wait the time". Just Wait The Time I type some letters in my room I go to here, You go to there No time to meet each other Why time not give us one moment that I can meet you You are so Misterious thing When can I call you Oh... When... Oh... When... Just wait the time

Happy Easter in Other Languages

. Afrikaans : Geseënde Paasfees! · Albania: Gëzuar Pashkët! · Arab : فِصْحُ سعيدُ! · Belanda: Zalig Pasen, Vrolijk Pasen · Bulgar: Честит Великден! · Cek: Veselé Velikonoce! · Cina: 復活節快樂! · England: Happy Easter! · Finlandese: Hyvää pääsiäistä! · France: Joyeuses Pâques ! · Flamingo: Zalig Pasen! · Hindi: ईस्टर मंगलमय हो॥ · Hongaria: Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket! · Ibrani: פסח כשר ושמח! · Irlanda: Cáisc shona dhuit! · Indonesia: Selamat Paskah! · Islan: Gledilega paska! · Italia: Buona Pasqua!· Jerman: Frohe Ostern! · Jepang: イースターおめでとう! · Katalana: Bona Pasqua! · Korea: 행복한 부활절이 되시길! · Latin: Prospera Pascha sit! · Norvegia : God påske! · Polandia: Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych! · Rumania: Paşte fericit! · Rusia: С праздником Пасхи! · Serb: Срећан Ускрс! / Srećan Yskrs! · Slovak: Milostiplné prežitie!, Veľkonočných sviatkov! · Slovak: Radostné veľko...

Minggu Pelayanan (Lanjutan "Sekolah Musik")

Minggu tanggal 28 Maret 2010, saya mengikuti Misa Minggu Palma. Kami melaksanakan misa Ekaristi dengan khitmad, dimana penuh rasa syukur kepada Tuhan Yesus dengan mengelu-elukan "Hosana Hosana, Yesus Raja Damai". Saya menghadiri misa Ekaristi ini di Gereja Yohanes Pemandi Janti. Mulai pukul 07.00 sampai 09.30. Selesai Misa, saya meminta berkat Tuhan Yesus untuk menyertai saya saat saya melaksanakan tugas berikutnya, yaitu Rekaman Lagu Rohani. Sepulang Misa, saya langsung bergegas ke Gedung WB, berkumpul untuk berangkat bersama ke Batu. Saya dan teman-teman berada di sana dengan suasana yang agak berbeda dengan kemaren, saya rasa kurang bersemangat. Padahal ini adalah rekaman ulang yang kedua dan seharusnya lebih senang dan lebih bersemangat supaya hasilnya bagus. Kami semua sangat bersikeras untuk menyelesaikannya dengan baik, mulai pukul 11.30 sampai 22.00 wib. Semoga hasilnya baik. God Bless Us.

Sabtu Jalan Sehat

Sabtu tanggal 27 Maret 2010, saya datang ke Tumpang tepatnya di Desa Bendolawang. Di desa tersebut sangat terkenal yang namanya Durian. Banyak sekali pohon durian di sepanjang jalan setapak yang berada di bukitnya. Saya mulai jalan sehat pada pukul 10.00 sampai 11.30. Sempat saya merasa payah, kaki linu apalagi pada bagian lutut. Saat itu pun, saya bersama dengan teman-teman lain saling menjaga satu sama lain, sehingga kami tidak tersesat di tengah perjalanan. Setelah pulang dari jalan sehat, saya lanjut ke aktivitas berikutnya. Sesampainya di rumah pukul 20.00, langsung merasakan kaki yang tak karuan sakitnya. Tidur adalah salah satunya obat.

Mangatasi Rasa Minder - Mario Teguh

Mohon perhatikan masukan berikut, bahwa Anda bisa mencapai lebih dengan cara menjadi lebih. Karena kunci untuk mencapai kemungkinan yang lebih besar adalah menjadi seseorang yang lebih besar dari diri ini sekarang. Lalu, jangan batasi kebaikan yang bisa Anda lakukan, karena itu akan membatasi kebesaran yang bisa Anda capai dan bila Anda perhatikan dengan lebih teliti semua yang besar dibangun dari hal-hal kecil yang menjadi komponen pembentuknya. Maka, hal pertama yang harus Anda lakukan adalah menemukan hal kecil yang pertama yang akan membuka pintu bagi hal-hal kecil berikutnya, yang keseluruhan urutannya akan menjadi sesuatu yang besar dan berarti. Itu sebabnya,jangan lihat diri ini hanya sebagai apa ada-nya, tetapi pastikan Anda melihat diri ini sebagaimana apa bisa jadi-nya. Anda tidak perlu merasa dendam kepada orang yagn meremehkan Anda, karena kualitas reaksi Anda terhadap yang membuat Anda marah, adalah penentu kelas Anda, karena itu katakanlah bahwa tidak ada orang yang c...

Difficult to Comment in English??

Why?? I think that my comments in one site have been written well, but I don't know why the site erases my comments. ?? My doing that is wrong: 1st. I use some different names and same email addresses (not activated). 2nd. I use some different names and some different email addresses (not activated). 3rd. Just comment the article and not compare it. So, my comment is not valuable. 4th. Too many comments that I wrote in one site. what should I do??

Sekolah Musik

Kemarin pada tanggal 16 Maret 2010. Saya mengikuti kegiatan sosial yaitu rekaman lagu-lagu rohani di Studio Sentosa Batu. Saya dan teman-teman berkumpul di WB, dan berangkat menuju lokasi pukul 8.30 pagi naik bus milik Kampus Kanjuruhan. Kelompok paduan suara ber-36 orang termasuk saya bersukacita bernyanyi sepanjang perjalanan. Sesampainya di Batu, saya berjalan menuju studio. Setelah sampai di studio, saya merasakan dingin yang luar biasa karena AC yang begitu di kencang di dalam studio itu. Keyboardist dan teman-teman cowok dan tentunya bersama Kru yang menangani Studio Sentosa ini. Mereka men-cek sound, merakit keyboards dan saya bersama teman-teman cewek berbenah diri supaya masing-masing terasa nyaman selama kegiatan. Pukul 10.00, Saya dan teman-teman dijamu minuman teh anget dengan kue ringan. Sangat menyenangkan sekali di sana apalagi saya di sana tidak sendiri, saya ditemani sang pangeran karena sang pangeran juga personal yang penting dalam kelompok paduan suara SMS ini...


Hello hello.... Salam Jumpa dengan ku... Ku harap engkau tahu bahwa aku suka kamu... ^_^